Lenght : 2 miles

The Anfa race track is located in the suburbs of Casablanca . It was “the ancestor” of Ain-Diab race track, it was the entire west part (left on the plan).

International races were organized there. They take for the first time the name of “Grand prix du Maroc”.

The first of these Grand Prix occurs on May 17, 1931, the winner was Stanislas Czaykowksi followed by the famous Philippe Etancelin. 

Below, race results on the Anfa race track, and a picture of Ogden cigarettes prime sponsor with Czaykowksi in the corner to the road of Azzemour and the official poster from 1934.

I Grand Prix de Casablanca
17 May 1931 - Anfa: 369.380 km (6.716 km x 55 laps)

 1. 22 Stanislas Czaykowksi            Bugatti T51                    2h41m52.2, 136.92 kph
 2.  4 Philippe Etancelin              Bugatti T35                    2h45m33.4
 3. 20 Jean de Maleplane               Bugatti T35C                   2h51m58.8
 4. 44 José Scaron                     Amilcar C6                     2h58m45.0        voiturette
 5. 14 René Ferrant                    Peugeot 174S                   2h59m50.2
 6. 36 Galba                           Bugatti T37A                   3h00m25.0        voiturette
 7. 18 Grimaldi                        Bugatti T35C                   3h15m26.4
 8. 52 Luigi Platé                     Alfa-Romeo 6C-1500             3h24m40.2        voiturette
 9. 10 Ferdinand Montier               Montier Ford                   3h25m55.8
10. 50 Capello                         Alfa-Romeo 6C-1500             3h26m32.2        voiturette
11. 12 Fleccia                         Bugatti T35C       
12. 42 D Saint Geneis                  Bugatti T37A                                  voiturette
13. 38 d'Hiercourt                     Bugatti T37A                                  voiturette
Fastest Lap: Stanislas Czaykowski, 2m50.0 (142.22 kph)
Did Not Finish
   30 Dourel                          Amilcar                                       voiturette
    6 Marcel Lehoux                   Bugatti T35B                   Engine
   54 R Schlumberger                  Rally Salmson                                 voiturette
   48 Anne-Cecile Rose-Itier          Bugatti T37A                   Mechanical        voiturette
   40 Pao                             Bugatti T37A                                  voiturette
   34 Pierre Veyron                   Bugatti T37A                   Mechanical        voiturette
   16 Charles Montier                 Montier Ford           
    8 Fassi                           Bugatti T35B
   32 Roux                            Bugatti T37A
Did Not Start
    2 Longueville                     Bugatti T35B                   entry withdrawn
    46 Angwerd  crash           

II Grand Prix de Casablanca
22 May 1932 - Anfa: 416.642 km (8.865 km x 47 laps)

 1. Marcel Lehoux                      Bugatti T54                           3h19m29.2, 125.314 kph
 2. Philippe Etancelin                 Alfa-Romeo 8C-2300                    3h23m00.2
 3. Stanislas Czaykowski               Bugatti T51                           3h25m32.8
 4. Benoit Falchetto                   Bugatti T35C                          3h27m11.2
 5. Jean de Maleplane                  Maserati 26 (8C-2500)                 3h41m34.4
 6. Pierre Veyron                      Maserari 26 (8C-2500)                 3h42m29.4        voiturette
 7. Henri Durand                       Bugatti T37A                          3h44m05.8        voiturette
 8. Dominici                           Bugatti T35C                          3h45m52.4
 9. José Scaron                        Amilcar                               3h50m47.8        voiturette
10. Anne-Cecile Rose-Itier             Bugatti T37A                          3h53m10.2        voiturette
11. Emmanuel Galba                     Bugatti T37A                          3h56m19.4        voiturette
12. Chiquito                           Bugatti T37A                          46 laps         voiturette
Fastest Lap: Jean-Pierre Wimille, 4m02.0 (131.876 kph)
Did Not Finish

   Louis Joly                         Maserati 26 (8C-1500)                                 voiturette
   André Vagniez                      Bugatti T37A                                          voiturette
   Guy Moll                           Bugatti T35C  
   Goffredo Zehender                  Alfa-Romeo 8C-2300

   Jean-Pierre Wimille                Bugatti T51                           32 laps/Engine

   Pierre Felix                       Alfa-Romeo 8C-2300     

   Louis Trintignant                  Bugatti T35C           

   Charles Druck                      Bugatti T35C                                   3 laps

   Jean Gaupillat                     Bugatti T51